Victoria Ferrara At Men Having Babies Surrogacy Conference In Israel

Victoria Ferrara At Men Having Babies Surrogacy Conference In Israel

Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists


Worldwide Surrogacy's Victoria Ferrara will participate in an upcoming surrogacy conference in Israel, March 10-12.  Men Having Babies 4th International Surrogacy and Infertility Conference in Israel is for both gay and straight prospective parents to learn primarily about surrogacy opportunities in the USA, Israel, Canada and Eastern Europe.  It will be held from 9:00am to 7:00pm at the Dan Panorama Tel Aviv Hotel located at Charles Clore Park in Tel Aviv.  More than 100 intended parents, as well as surrogate agencies and clinics from around the world will be attending.

Attorney Ferrara will be participating in the panel, "Comparing Surrogacy in Israel, U.S., Canada and Ukraine." Topics will include:

  • The legal status of surrogacy in these various countries 
  • The establishment of parental rights 
  • The regulation of fertility centers 
  • Identifying, screening and rights of surrogate mothers
  • Screening process for egg donors
  • Surrogacy costs 

If you would like to set up a consultation with us on March 12, CLICK HERE


Look for the Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists booth at the conference!  


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